Make a Referral

Salt Lake Peer Court works closely with the Salt Lake City School District, Murray School District, the Salt Lake City Police Department, and the Utah Transit Authority. We are able to hear cases of elementary, middle, and high school students for status offenses and infractions, as well as offenses that would be misdemeanors if sent to Juvenile Court. We accept referrals from a wide variety of sources including: schools, law enforcement, and parents/guardians.

Offenses appropriate for referral to Salt Lake Peer Court include (Note this is not an exhaustive list):

-Alcohol (possession, consumption and/or purchase)

-Assault (minor)


-Criminal Mischief

-Disorderly Conduct

-Fare Evasion (UTA)


-Marijuana/ THC Pens





-Truancy/ Attendance


-Other (If you’d like to make a referral for an offense that isn’t listed please contact the SLPC office.)

Make a Referral